
With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come
William Shakespeare

There`s something very exciting,
so what about practicing and improving your English and sound more like a native speaker?
Join one of our English-groups NOW!
We do a lot of
– speaking: small talk, interesting topics …
– reading: news reports, articles …
– vocabulary exercise and grammar revision if necessary (“no pain, no gain“)
– and sometimes we listen to podcasts
All that in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere

NEWS : Beide Englisch-Gruppen

werden zusammen von Herrn Sauermann geleitet. Sie treffen sich wie bisher nur 14-tägig (ungerade Wochen).

Die ursprünglich eingeplanten Termine
November 11., 25. und Dezember 9. ENTFALLEN (Wochen mit GERADEN Nummern)

Englisch findet in den Monaten November und Dezember an folgenden Terminen statt (Wochen mit UNGERADEN Nummern):

am Mo 04.11.24, 10:00h, Vereinsraum 1 Hahn
am Mo 18.11.24, 10:00h, Vereinsraum 1 Hahn

am Mo 02.12.24, 10:00h, Vereinsraum 1 Hahn
am Mo 16.12.24, 10:00h, Vereinsraum 1 Hahn

Group I Advanced English

for further information contact Christoph Sauermann
Tel. 06128/6639

Group II English-conversation

English speaking…

with a world language

…experiencing movies
and books in the original

…the internet speaks

Frequently asked questions

#1 How do the meetings work?

Previous knowledge should be refreshed and expanded in a relaxed atmosphere.

#2 what is discussed?

Current events are discussed, newspaper articles are reviewed, experiences are recounted and questioned, German terms are explained, and all this in English.

#3 can i take part in a trial lession without obligation?

Anytime. Just call in advance. However, regular participation requires —> membership of the Senioren-Kulturkreis Taunusstein.

And this is what the intelligent senior squirrels say:

„I am not young enough to know everything

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Kopf: Bild von Rudy and Peter Skitterians auf Pixabay
Image user94439207 by Freepik
Intelligente Senioren-Eichhörnchen generiert durch die Künstliche Intelligenz Stable Diffusion